The chilly season in Modesto, CA may mean higher utility bills just to keep your home warm and cozy. There are plenty of steps you can take to lower the costs of utilities associated with your heating system. This ranges from simple tips you can do on your own to professional services that keep your system efficient.

Simple Things to Boost Heating Efficiency

With simple adjustments and a few supplies, you can boost the efficiency of your heating system in conjunction with the services you get from professionals. Implementing these tips can help you lower your thermostat a couple of degrees and see a noticeable difference in your utility bill this winter.

Windows and Doors

Keep all your doors and windows closed while the furnace is running. Seal off any doors and windows that are especially drafty to keep cold air out of the house. Use sealing tape to ward off drafts. You can also limit trips in and out of the house when the temperatures outside are lower, helping keep the warm air inside.

Ceiling Fans

Utilize your ceiling fans. Though it may seem uncomfortable to use fans during the colder months, you should set your ceiling fans to rotate in a clockwise direction. This clockwise motion circulates warm air around the room and keeps the fan from creating a cold breeze below.

Window Coverings

Your curtains, blinds, and other window coverings can help keep the cold air out by creating a barrier. You can open them for a few hours during the sunny part of the day to allow the sun to warm your home.

HVAC Vents

Clean your vents and ensure they are all open. Dust and other debris can hinder airflow, leading to less heat filling your space. Make sure nothing is on top of your vents or too close to them so that it stops heat from flowing into the room.

Change Your Filters Regularly

Your HVAC system has air filters that help trap dust and debris to keep them from entering your heating system. These filters are replaceable and should be changed every one to three months, depending on the type you have and the air quality where you live. Neglecting to change the filters causes excessive dirt inside your furnace and leads to restricted airflow. Both things make your system work harder and result in a decrease in efficiency.

If you’re looking for a more affordable filter option that will promote efficiency while keeping your budget low, consider investing in a reusable air filter. These filters will need to be washed periodically, but you won’t have to budget for a new one every few months.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat helps you regulate the temperature inside your house. You may want to lower the temperature of your furnace while the house is empty. With a programmable thermostat, you can set days and times for the system to lower the temperature and have it return to a comfortable setting by the time you arrive home. Smart thermostats may even learn your behaviors over time and adjust without you programming them. They also track usage trends to provide valuable insight into how you are using your furnace.

Schedule Maintenance Each Year

Annual maintenance is crucial for your heating system. During routine maintenance, our team inspects your furnace and adjusts and tunes the system to ensure it’s ready for the upcoming winter. Maintenance helps increase the efficiency of your system and lower your winter heating costs.

Our crew of highly-trained and knowledgeable technicians performs in-depth services to ensure your maintenance is complete.

  • Visually inspect parts and components
  • Lubricate moving parts
  • Clean dust and debris out of the furnace
  • Inspect electrical wiring and connections
  • Inspect gas hookups
  • Test safety controls and mechanisms
  • Assess for proper airflow
  • Listen for strange sounds
  • Check for unusual smells
  • Calibrate thermostat as needed

Annual maintenance also helps reduce stress and strain on your heating system. Strain can lower the lifespan of your system, meaning you may have to replace the furnace sooner than expected. This can be costly over the course of your homeownership. Maintenance is also great for improving air quality inside your home.

Schedule Professional Duct Cleaning

Problems with airflow can hinder the efficiency of your heating system. Professional duct cleaning uses specialized equipment to remove dust, dirt, and other contaminants from your HVAC air ducts so that conditioned air can move freely through the ductwork without obstruction. If you are experiencing uneven or insufficient heating, now is a good time to schedule this service. An additional perk of routine duct cleaning is that you’ll see less dust accumulation on the surfaces inside your home and may not need to clean as often.

Install Zoned Heating

A zoned heating system increases efficiency by allowing you to control separate areas of your home on separate thermostats. You can set a different temperature in your bedroom, communal living space, or even upper floors to help keep heating costs in check. Zoned systems use dampers inside the ducts to direct airflow based on the thermostat settings in each zone. If you prefer more heat in your living room but a cooler bedroom, you can set these separate areas up in different zones to control them with different thermostats, saving on heating in the bedroom.

Consider Duct Sealing or Replacement

Other common duct problems are caused by leaks and gaps. If you aren’t getting the airflow needed to maintain comfort in your Modesto home, duct issues may be to blame. Duct sealing eliminates leaks, keeping the heat inside until it reaches the vents situated throughout your home. Sealing is also useful for joints that may become damaged from wear and tear and displace hot air. If you have severe damage to your ducts, you may need to replace sections of them if they are extremely old. The average life expectancy of ductwork is approximately 15 to 20 years.

Upgrade to a New Furnace

Most heating systems can give you 10 to 20 years of functional life. If your furnace is reaching the upper limits of its estimated lifespan and you are struggling with efficiency, it may be time to upgrade. Our team can help you decide if it’s time for a replacement and help you find a new furnace that fits your home. There are many units that provide energy-efficient heating to keep your winter heating costs low.

Call the Trusted Local Experts

Our experts at Loves Air provide unmatched heating and cooling services for your Modesto home. We offer in-depth furnace tune-ups and air conditioning maintenance to boost efficiency and keep your system running as well as skilled HVAC repairs and installations to help you maintain comfort at home. We also provide whole-house fan services, ductwork sealing, and thermostat installations. With a few simple steps of your own and some help from our advanced HVAC team, we can help you conquer the cold weather and keep your furnace efficient.

Contact Loves Air to schedule an appointment today so that you can save money on heating in your Modesto home.

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